Our stories

Unity: a story worth telling
Mariapolis 2024 in the Holy Land 720 405 admin
Mariapolis 2024 in the Holy Land

More than 100 of us, mainly from Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, Beit Jala and Jerusalem, but also with a representation from Ramallah and Galilee, gathered at Talitha Kumi, in Beit Jala for a meeting entitled Mariapolis, “City of Mary,’ from July 6-7, 2024.  An annual meeting, but also the result of a desire to respond to…

“Witnesses of the Faith” 955 535 admin
“Witnesses of the Faith”

  July 2024 – The Focolare Movement, a Catholic movement founded in Italy in the 1940s, organised the meeting of the Mariapolis, i.e. ‘City of Mary’. The aim was to meet and live the values of unity, love and peace, and responded to the appeal of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa. The…

Called and Sent 1600 1200 admin
Called and Sent

Mar. 2024 – “Called and Sent“: this was the theme that approximately 80 families, youth and children from Galilee wanted to deepen together on March 15-16 in Tiberias, on the shores of the Lake, that very Lake that had witnessed the calling and sending forth of the apostles and the public mission of Jesus. This…

The Holy Land: charisms in communion for a new time of Pentecost 712 350 admin
The Holy Land: charisms in communion for a new time of Pentecost

May 2023 – A unique opportunity to get to know each other, to share and to rediscover the beauty of being a collective  witness to the Resurrection. This is what the Ecclesial Movements and the new communities  in the Holy Land were able to experience on the journey they began together at Pentecost a year…

From Bethlehem lessons for the future 1132 703 admin
From Bethlehem lessons for the future

Oct. 2022 – This is one of the pages from the diary of Irene, a young editor of Teens, a magazine of the Città Nuova publishing group, which is made by teenagers for teenagers. Through her eyes and her words we learn of a journey in a country marked by divisions and we get to…

Mariapolis in the Holy Land: vocation to community 712 350 admin
Mariapolis in the Holy Land: vocation to community

July 2022 – Being a community is more than just being together.It means responding to a call to build: giving life to a family sustained by the Word and meeting each other. Here, in this video, is what some people who participated in the Mariapolis of the Holy Land last July told us. There is…

The challenge of caring 962 541 admin
The challenge of caring

  Sept. 2022 – Its name means “miracle of the peoples” or “sign for the peoples” as we read in the prophet Isaiah (Is 11:10). In Nes Ammim, a village of Christian origin in northern Israel, dialogue and coexistence among people of different peoples, faiths, religions and cultures is the norm. An ideal location to…

The “Mariapolis” in Taybeh 1600 900 admin
The “Mariapolis” in Taybeh

  July 2022 – Last July 8 and 9, the Latin parish of Taybeh hosted the Focolare Movement’s “Mariapolis” in the Holy Land. This is the name of the most characteristic event of the Movement founded by Chiara Lubich, which since its beginnings gathered for a few days those who wanted to know the spirit…

A new Pentecost for Jerusalem 1600 900 admin
A new Pentecost for Jerusalem

  June 2022 – An evening of songs, testimonies and prayer: on Saturday, June 4, a Pentecost vigil was held at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Jerusalem with Jerusalem Patriarch of the Latins, H.B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa. “The Spirit urges us to create and to be a community. The Spirit calls us to love others,…

The Holy Land: “Dare to Care” in Nes Ammim 558 381 admin
The Holy Land: “Dare to Care” in Nes Ammim

Sept. 2022 – In Hebrew, Nes Ammim means the ‘miracle of the peoples’. This place was created to foster dialogue and understanding between Christians, Jews and Muslims. From 16 to 18 September, “Dare to Care for a Better Future” was held here, a meeting organised by the Focolare Movement in the Holy Land and open…

Margaret Karram, Arab Catholic from Haifa, new president of the Focolare 1600 900 admin
Margaret Karram, Arab Catholic from Haifa, new president of the Focolare

  Jan. 2021 – There are numerous messages of congratulations and prayers from the Holy Land for Margaret Karram, the new President of the Focolare Movement. Arab Catholic, she is originally from the city of Haifa, where she grew up and where she has always lived her commitment to dialogue between religions. She was elected…

Searching for Jerusalem’s Vocation Together 1123 632 admin
Searching for Jerusalem’s Vocation Together

Mar. 2020 – “Together for Jerusalem” was a seminar sponsored by the Focolare in the Holy Land together with the Sophia University Institute (Italy).The seminar gathered Jewish and Christian biblical experts to focus on the vocation of Jerusalem as seen in the Bible, thus setting a biblical foundation to the goals of the Focolare’s future International Center for…