
in the Holy Land

A worldwide, diverse community with a passion for unity

Born in the Catholic Church, Focolare features a spirituality which has become a lifestyle for people of all ages and backgrounds.

We are committed, alongside many others, to creating connections and building fraternal relationships among individuals, peoples, religions and cultures.

Our goal

Unity in diversity

Being one does not mean being the same!
We focus on establishing dialogues within the Catholic Church, with Christians of various Churches, between the world’s religions, and with people who have no religious affiliation.

A more inclusive and harmonious world

We create cultural and social projects that contribute to a less fragmented, more just and peaceful society in which everyone can feel part of the rich mosaic that is the human family.

Unity: a story worth telling

Mariapolis 2024 in the Holy Land

Mariapolis 2024 in the Holy Land 720 405 admin

More than 100 of us, mainly from Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, Beit Jala and Jerusalem, but also with a representation from Ramallah and Galilee, gathered at Talitha Kumi, in Beit Jala…

“Witnesses of the Faith”

“Witnesses of the Faith” 955 535 admin

  July 2024 – The Focolare Movement, a Catholic movement founded in Italy in the 1940s, organised the meeting of the Mariapolis, i.e. ‘City of Mary’. The aim was to…

Called and Sent

Called and Sent 1600 1200 admin

Mar. 2024 – “Called and Sent“: this was the theme that approximately 80 families, youth and children from Galilee wanted to deepen together on March 15-16 in Tiberias, on the…

The Holy Land: charisms in communion for a new time of Pentecost

The Holy Land: charisms in communion for a new time of Pentecost 712 350 admin

May 2023 – A unique opportunity to get to know each other, to share and to rediscover the beauty of being a collective  witness to the Resurrection. This is what…