Frequently asked questions about Focolare
  • “Focolare” is an Italian word that means “hearth” or “fireplace.” In Trent, in northern Italy, ‘focolare’ was the place in the house where people would feel the warmth of the family.  And this was what people started calling the first community where Chiara Lubich and her closest friends lived.

    Ever since its beginnings, the Focolare community is at its best when it has the warmth of a family. Its message of oneness and unity, inspired by the Gospel, has also been likened to a fire that inflames hearts and enlightens minds.

  • Focolare is a spiritual community, and most people who are a part of it are religious. The original inspiration for Focolare was given to Chiara Lubich and her early friends, who were Latin Catholic. Eventually, the spirituality grew to include people from various Christian Churches, other world religions and others with no religious tradition. The Catholic Church recognizes the Focolare as an ecclesial movement.

  • Focolare is not limited to any age group, and there are specific programs organized by age or stage of life. For example, there are groups for children, teenagers, young adults, married couples and the elderly, as well as others according to their profession.

  • Focolare is a worldwide community with its own spirituality and culture. In fact, you could say that Focolare builds culture: a culture of giving, a culture of unity. In practice, this leads to different social projects and outreach activities that are organized locally.

  • Focolare is focused on establishing dialogue between people in four key areas: within the Catholic Church, between Christian churches, among believers of the world’s religions and with people who have no religious affiliation. The goal is to overcome divisions and promote unity.

  • The best way to learn about it is by experiencing it with people who share its spirituality. Small groups tend to form locally, and larger group gatherings are commonly held from time to time as well. Contact us to find out more.

  • There is no membership fee or requirement to pay anything to be part of Focolare. Inasmuch as you live Focolare spirituality, you are a part of it.